11 April 1872, was born the poet Asdreni, Aleksandër Stavre Drenova

The Albanian writer and patriot, Aleksander Stavre Drenova, or as he is known Asdreni was born on April 11th, 1872. Here is what is written in the “Short Literary Encyclopaedia” for our prominent patriot: “Asdreni is an Albanian poet and publicist. He finished the Higher Education in Romania. He participated in the activities of the associations of Albanian emigrants, who fought for the liberation of Albania from the Turkish rule. He began the literary activity in 1900. He has published the two first poetry volumes, “Rreze dielli” 1904 and “Endrra dhe lot” in 1912, in Bucharest. In these verses, Asdreni has written for the homeland, its nature and the popular heroes. After the declaration of independence of Albania (November 1912), Asdreni served at the Consulate of Albania in Romania. In 1930, he published the poetic volume “Psalme murgu” dominated by patriotic motives.”