The controversy about the price Kadare / Reacts Ardian Vehbiu: The rumored price

The publicist and writer Ardian Vehbiu is another voice that has not remained indifferent to this year’s “Kadare” award, which was split a few days ago and declared the winner writer from Kosovo, Musa Ramadani.

Launched as a blog, Vehbi’s “Landscape Speech”, opened in July 2007, has now become an online cultural magazine, intervening and becoming a factor in public discourses and debates in Albanian. Right on this portal, Vehbi joined the debate in his article of May 30, writes on the Kadare Prize, titled “Rumor Award”. For the sake of copyright, we can not bring all the text, but in a nutshell Vehbiu is quoted on the publications, works and prices that followed Albania after the ’90s. While for the Kadare Prize he says: “The effort of the Mapo Foundation, later the European Institute Pashko and UET, although commendable in itself, fails to fill the cavity created – since the Kadare prize is given to manuscripts (or works unpublished); And because so far it has been accompanied by the condition that these manuscripts then exclusively launch UET. ”

Vehbiu says that almost all books from Albanian authors, newly published, come out of public attention a few weeks after being published and presented.

While for the winner, the writer from Kosovo, Vehbiu stops in extra-literary circumstances, with what “Tirana and Pristina literary continue to communicate very badly between them”.

Vehbiu welcomes the fact that private foundations and institutions, as this case gives cultural awards, is to be greeted and supported by any means, even though we are far from consolidating private initiatives in culture.

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