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Among the Albanians, for the Society “Përparimi” of Korca, Edit Durham also donated money , QMKSH publishes a list of “contributors”

The big aims of a nation can realize only with ways and structures that respond by the sophistication to the aims.  People engaged with this functions should have high attributes. The tipical example for this is “Përparimi” society of Korça.

At the moment that Congress of Elbasan, finished its work, in 1909, the Albanian clubs of five provinces founded “Perparimi” society, in Korça. The aim of this society was to open and support Albanians schools.  Also, to review and published the school books. This society took over to realized some decisions of Elbasan Congress: to organize on a  national basis the educational work in the country, the creation of a new educational system in our place.

The leaders of Përparimi:

Orhan bej Pojani      Director

Stavre Karoli            Vice Director

Idomene Kosturi      Cashier

Hafëz Ali efendi     Co-director

Sami bej Pojani        Co-director

Mihal Grameno       Co-director

Belul Efendi            Co-director


In the books of accounts we find the name of Edit Durhami from London. “Përparimi” named contributor, who donated money, and for every donation they give a certificate. It was predicted clearly that “Përparimi” society cannot take debts, and the leaders were responsible for every damage of the ark.

In the regulation are written the functional and constitutional elements too. The society was leaded by 7 members with two years mandate, but with the right to reelected. From this 7 members, 3 of them had the Director, Vice Director, cashier, and Secretary post, while three of them were advisers. The selection was made a commission with 11 people, 5 of them were the representative of Shkodra, Manastir, Scopie, Janine province and Istanbul club. 20th August was the date when they should keep the selections, but this was impossible if the 2/3 of representatives of provinces weren’t  in Korça. In that date, will be controlled the financial activities from the commission too. It was predicted a right protocol for every case of usage of the seals and was determined the necessary quota that the meeting  of the leaders be considered valid. In the regulation was described with details the role and the tasks of the secretary. According a protocol the decisions of the leaders were written, and all the donations were welcomed but this should be in accordance with the aim of society and should be used according the desire of the donors.

QMKSH owns the account of “Përparimi” costs, financial statements of Normalja School in Elbasan and a full list of donors.

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